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How can we all start to care for our wildlife?!

On a quick google search of "ecological chain" the response is "An ecological chain is a series of organisms that eat one another, allowing energy and nutrients to flow from one to the next. It represents a ring of mutual dependence and mutual assistance." or even simpler in my own words "where one thing is dependent on another to retain life".

Over time society has been wearing down the natural ecological chain to a series of commercial activities to fulfil human growth and desires at the detriment to what was once a totally natural cycle. We can however help the natural cycle ourselves in some small ways even if we don't have a big garden. All it takes is a few plants in a pot, a bush, tree or flowers growing on your balcony or in your backyard. A nesting box, or the like in a tree in your yard or asking your Council if there is a place you can sponsor one to be situated.

You may like to take a look at this booklet called Creating a Wildlife Friendly Garden created by the SA Government showing how it is possible to create a natural habitat garden in your own backyard for those with one. It not only gives suggestions on plants and design of your garden but how to protect those "special" visitors and create a harmonious place for both you and our wildlife.

If you have a wildlife friendly garden or are developing one please share with us and I hope you find peace and harmony in your garden whether it be a few pots or a full yard and enjoy the visitors attracted to it.

Take Care,

Brett on behalf of the Australian WIldlife Ambassadors

ps I invite anyone that would like to share an article or special interest on caring for our WIldlife to contact us through our Contact email.

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